Currently around 25% of the Italian population corresponds to elderly people, which is a percentage that increases annually. Now, for every 165 elderly there are 100 young people.
- Emotional impact
- Health impact
- Desidere to be a part of community
- Reduce the feel loneliness
- Reduce the feeling of monotony
Meetime is the first service for seniors that simulates their participation in local events and the creation of new friendships through a community supported by a smart objects system. The ideal way to integrate the elderly community with the different actors like their communities, related interests, meeting places through different touch point, positively increasing the users.

The main device is a smart watch that is connected to an app. The smart watch works through a Voice Assistant and a touch system to simplify interaction. The service suggested activities based on user preferences, allowing to search and notify the events that are already scheduled. The smart watch has a “contactless” system that allows you to create a network of contacts among those who use it simply by moving the watches closer together and adding the new contact or the new event venue.
- Interview - Milan, Italy
- Participants: 20 users
- Surveys online - Italy
- Participants: 45 users
- Female & Male
- 60 - 89 years old

The application has in greater detail all the information of the agenda, friends, new places (meetplace) added and their respective map, upcoming events, among others. the synchronization between the app and the watch is from the first use of the smartwatch device.
The app is divided into 4 sections.
- Agenda: it is synchronized with the clock and suggests events
- Esplora: contains typologies or filters to search for specific events
- Radar: is the map to locate meetplace, meetusers and meetfriends
- Profilo: contains personal information, photo and interests, the list of favorite places, friends and the chronology of the most common events.
- There are two quick to action to complete the experience, notifications and create events.

Intros case, the website is designed to activate the meet place users who wish to participate as a meeting place for the meet user. The general information of the MeeTime service and the synchronization of the other devices is possible from the platform.
The website is focused primarily on the secondary user of the service. The meetplace places throughout the city that benefit from the service to be able to expand the offer or times of low public flow, the opportunity to become a meeting space for events or meetings of the elderly.
From the website the meetplace can manage the events, the meetuser, the agendas and all this information can be collected through the smartstiker that is placed in each of the meetplace and that work with "contactless" in which the meetuser bring their smartwatch and a link is generated between the space for future events.

The main device is a smart watch that is connected to an app. The smart watch works through a Voice Assistant and a touch system to simplify interaction. The service suggested activities based on user preferences, allowing to search and notify the events that are already scheduled. The smart watch has a “contactless” system that allows you to create a network of contacts among those who use it simply by moving the watches closer together and adding the new contact or the new event venue.
The graphic identity is the result of a symbol of the union and the “e’” in the word “Meetime”. The objective of the project is to promote encounters, friendship and company between seniors who are used to being independent as well as feeling alone. For this purpose, a friendly and modern logo was created that seeks to make them feel even part of the active society.